Ladies, (I know I have male readers, but this great book is written with the ladies in mind!), do I have a find for you! "Body Image Lies Women Believe" by Shelley Hitz shares testimonies from many women and how they found their identity in Christ - not in this world's system of beauty.
Today and tomorrow on Amazon, this gem of a book is available FREE on Kindle. After tomorrow (5/10/13), the price goes back up to $2.99 (and the book is available in hardcover as well.)
I love to be able to recommend resources and devotionals that give real hope and solid biblical exhortation to the reader, who may indeed struggle with the lie that she is not beautiful. Whether you are dealing with an eating disorder, weight is an idol in your life, or just a woman who bases her worth on what she sees in the mirror (rather than Christ's work on the Cross), this book will be a blessing to you. Hitz cites Scripture and lays down a biblical principal at the end of every chapter, pulling the message from each woman's testimony together nicely. I am happy to recommend "Body Image Lies Women Believe - And the Truth of Christ that Sets them Free" as inspirational and encouraging reading.
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