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All royalties from the sale of "Redeemed from the Pit" go to support Albania Evangelical Mission.
Soli Deo Gloria
By Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone, In Christ Alone, Glory to God Alone
SolaMoms Blogger!
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"Is God willing to heal me?"
Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "Iamwilling," he said. "Be clean!"
- Matt. 8:3; Luke 5:13
"I Can't Stop! Is there still hope for me?"
"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." - 2 Peter 1:3
There is Hope.
If you are a Christian enslaved by the sin of bulimia or anorexia, you've come to the right place.
For many years, I lived the same shameful secret that consumes you. The good news is that you can completely and fully repent of this lifestyle and start living the abundant life Christ promises (John 10:10).
If you are willing to completely surrender this idol to Him, not only will Jesus Christ break the power of this sin, He will restore your mind and renew your heart to serve Him. He will turn your mourning into dancing (Psalm 30:11), restore the years the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25), and and put a new song in your mouth (Psalm 40:3). He bids you come to Him.
It all begins with humbling yourself at the foot of the Cross.
Free, Confidential Counsel for Eating Disorders
Yes. I really do correspond with any and every woman who writes me for encouragement. If you don't already know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you soon will because I am going to introduce you.
I will also commit to praying for you.
E-mail me at marie4thtimemom[at]
I waited patiently for the LORD;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear
and put their trust in the LORD.
(Psalm 40:1-3)
The book, and affiliated website, "Redeemed from the Pit: Biblical Repentance and Restoration from the Bondage of Eating Disorders""Redeemed from the Pit of Bulimia", including all textual material therein, has been registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.
All textual material therein is the intellectual property of Marie Notcheva, including citations used with permission. Fair use laws apply. You have permission to quote from this site for personal use, with the provision that a link or other means of citation is given to the author.
I can't wait! I'm excited to see that CP is publishing your book. I used to sell their books in my store. Very solid!